Friday, May 13, 2011

Fun Fact Friday

YAY, blogger is back! But my crack pie post is still missing :(

  Image via Real Simple

To prevent brown sugar from hardening into an useless brick, toss a couple of marshmallows in the storage container (and if the container is airtight, even better).

Happy Friday the 13th! 

1 comment:

  1. How to Store Brown Sugar
    X Sheila C. WilkinsonSheila Wilkinson worked as an editor and writer for "The St. Mary Journal" and has published extensively on various websites. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of South Alabama, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in interdisciplinary studies in the areas of psychology, sociology and English. Sheila owns an Internet bookstore.
    By Sheila C. Wilkinson, eHow Contributor
    .Brown sugar is a wonderfully versatile product. Whether it's granulated, light brown or the rich dark brown, there are countless things you can use it for. Brown sugar will keep just about indefinitely if it is stored properly. Read on to discover just how to keep it fresh.

    Difficulty:Easy Instructions

    things you'll need:

    Zipper type plastic bag
    Container with a tight fitting lid
    Apple slice
    Piece of bread

    Store brown sugar inside a zippered plastic bag and then inside a cannister with an airtight seal. This should prevent it from becoming hard due to the absorption of too much moisture which is usually found in the air alone.

    If there is some hardening or caking, all you have to do is work it around within the plastic bag. This is much nicer than chipping pieces off and using them.

    To soften sugar that is hardened really quickly and easily, put it in the microwave with one slice of an apple. Open the bag and place the apple right near the opening and set the microwave for 15 seconds. You will have nice soft sugar!

    To revive brown sugar that's already a big hard block you can add several marshmallows to the plastic bag it's in. If you don't have marshmallows, you can use a slice of bread. This will take a couple of days but it will be nice and soft again.

    With these few simple tricks you should never have to fight with brown sugar -- or throw it away -- again. Now enjoy it as if it were a new box every time you use it.

    Read more: How to Store Brown Sugar |
