Saturday, July 23, 2011

Eye Shapes and Tips =D

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Eye Shadow 101: Eye Shapes

Applying eyeshadow can be one of the most challenging parts of makeup for some because there are so many varieties of colors to combine, techniques to use, the blending, the tools -- we are no longer confined to only applying one wash of color.
Please bear with me as I'll separate the different aspects of eyeshadow application into Eye Shapes, Color Combinations and Blending. I won't be doing them back to back so do be patient. I'll get to it. Eventually.
This is merely a comprehensive yet basic guide to applying eyeshadow. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong when it comes to applying eyeshadow but of course, there are always a few fool-proof methods that most of the time, make eyeshadow look its best. There is always room for more creativity with colors and techniques.

Class commences now. Pay attention!

Read on to enter the classroom.

Lesson 1: The Eye Diagram

Familiarize with the areas on your eye to know where you're supposed to apply eyeshadow colors.

Lesson 2: The 7 Typical Eye Shapes and Basic Application Technique

Round Eyes: This doll-like shape gives innocent vibes. Any wash of color can be applied on the lid. Give the eyes more depth by applying a medium-dark shade into the crease. To elongate the eyes, extend the eyeshadow on the outer corner of the eye and continued down along the lower lash line.

Deep Set Eyes: This seemingly sunken shape have a very well-defined and deep crease. Use a light, bright color on the entire lid to bring out the eyes. Apply a shimmery highlight shade on the highlight area to lift up brows and give an illusion of more lid space. Re-create the crease with a medium shade well blended into the crease.

Prominent Eyes: The eyes are very distinct and may sometimes seem like it's protruding. Recess the look of the eyes by applying a dark, matte color on the eyelid. Extend the color into the entire crease. Lift up the brows by applying a pastel highlight color along the highlight area.

Small Eyes: Shapely, but petite. To open up eyes, apply a shimmery or pastel color on the entire eyelid. Define the shape by applying a dark shade into the crease. If eyes are close-set, apply a light color into the inner corner of the eye to give a widened look. Highlight under the brow to give more lid space and make the eyes look more prominent.

Almond Eyes: Also known as the "Perfect Eyes". Apply a medium shade all over the lids and blend into the crease to emphasize. Use a darker shade on the outer lid and extend in to the outer eye corner. Complete with satin-finished highlight under the brow.

Hooded Eyes: More common amongst matured women where the lids are starting to sag (And to think that only the cheeks would sag. Dang it!). No shimmers for such shape. To minimize the droopy lid, sweep a light and bright matte shade all over the lid. Give eyes a lift by using a dark shade, swept upwards on the outer corner of the eye. Contour with a medium-dark shade into the crease. Use a pastel highlight under the brow.

Asian Eyes: Not very distinct eye shape and often without a prominent crease. Create a dimension by applying a light shade into the inner lid and continuing on by applying a darker shade on the middle and outer lid. Fake a crease and give eyes more depth by applying a medium-dark shade into quarter or half way through the crease from the outer corner. Highlight under the brow to brightened up eye area. For those with a "hidden" crease line, the same technique can be applied but extend the colors slightly higher above the crease so that they would be more visible. As for those with no crease whatsoever, you may either not apply the dark color for the crease or you may just create an illusion of a crease.

Part two will be all about color combinations. Stay tuned!

Please feedback if you have any questions for this section so that I can add on information.

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