Friday, July 1, 2011

awesome =D

lootdoodoo lootdood...
What's the difference between "race", "heritage", "nationality", and "ethnicity"?

Memory Alpha by Memory Alpha
    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Nationality is a political phenomenon. Your nationality is simply the country in which you hold citizenship status. For example, if you are an American citizen, than your nationality is American. A person can have more than one nationality if they hold dual-citizenship status. For example, if a Chinese man holds dual citizenship in China and the U.S., than their nationality is both Chinese and American.

A lot of people don't seem to know the difference between ethnicity and race. Ethnicity is a culturual phenomenon, while race is a biological and anthropological phenomenon. The ethnicity that you identify yourself can change over the course of yor life, but your racial composition cannot.

"Ethnicity" means membership with a group of people who share similar customs and traditions. For example, if an Ethiopian man moves to Germany and gains citizenship; then his/her nationality is German, but his/her ethnicity is still Ethiopian. However, if he/she decides to abandon his Ethiopian heritage and assimilate into German society (speak the German language, adopt German style of dress, observe German customs and traditions, etc), he/she can make a legitimate claim that he/she is of German ethnicity.
His/her race, on the other hand, is Hamitic/Negroiid. His/her physical attributes and genetic composition is inherited and therefore cannot alter.

Race is a sub-species classification used in anthropology and biology to categorize organisms that share similar genetic and physical traits within the same species. Racial classifications are based upon anthropology, most notably facial features and the shape of the skull - NOT skin color. People can be of very different skin color, and yet be categorized in the same racial group based on similar facial features. The main races of the human species are Caucasian/Japhetic, Negroiid/Hamitic, Semitic, and Mongoloid.
Asker's Rating:
4 out of 5
Asker's Comment:
Wow, very detailed

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