Monday, April 4, 2011

how to dye hair permanently with kool-aid =D

How to Die Your Hair Permanently with Kool-Aid

How to Die Your Hair Permanently with Kool-Aidthumbnail
What could be more natural?

In this century, dying your hair unnatural colors is an common as peanut-butter and jelly. However, there are still many downsides to turning your hair purple or green. Commercial hair dyes are expensive and only semi-permanent (meaning frequent touch-ups are necessary). Also, they require that you first bleach your hair which is smelly, burns your scalp and can also be toxic. There is a better way! Kool-Aid is the way forward. It's extremely cheap and, if your hair is brown or lighter, you don't have to use any peroxide. Furthermore, the color lasts a long time (sometimes months) and leaves your hair smelling fruity.



things you'll need:

  • 6-10 packets of unsweetened Kool-Aid (flavor corresponds to desired color)
  • Large cooking pot
  • Plastic ladle
  • Measuring cup
  • Water
  • Newspaper
  • Latex gloves
  • Old towel
  • Timer
  • Blow dryer

    • 1
      Choose your flavor: My personal favorite is black cherry, but I also fare well with Purplesaurus Rex. Anything with reddish tones work best, but greens and blues are also effective.
    • 2
      In a large pot, combine 6-10 packets of your desired color with equal parts water (e.g. 6 packets of Kool-Aid to 6 cups of water). Do not add sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and let it simmer for approximately five minutes.
    • 3
      Remove the pot from the heat and let the mixture cool for five minutes. In the meantime, spread out the newspaper and put on the latex gloves.
    • 4
      Place the pot on the newspaper. Dip chunks of your hair into the pot, using the ladle to spoon water up closer to the roots. Be very careful not to pour the water directly onto your head, as it will still be quite hot!.
    • 5
      Hold your hair in the water for 10-15 minutes. Work your way around your head, until all of the desired hair has been in the dip.
    • 6
      Dry your hair with the towel. Make sure it is a towel that you don't mind permanently staining. If you plan to do this frequently, it can become your "dying towel".
    • 7
      Blow dry your hair. Style as usual. Do not shampoo for 24 hours. Note: Don't worry. Since you don't add sugar to the Kool-Aid, your hair will not be sticky or unmanageable during this time.

Read more: How to Die Your Hair Permanently with Kool-Aid |

Crystal Light® On the Go Natural Cherry Pomegranate

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